How Much Does Wisephone Cost? Wisephone 2 Price in 2024

Wisephone made by Techless. This minimalist phone is designed to encourage a healthier digital lifestyle by eliminating distractions like social media, web browsing, and other non-essential apps. Focus on essential features such as calling, texting, maps, and camera functionality.

How much does Wisephone cost? Wisephone 2 Price in 2024

Wisephone 2 Price in 2024

The Wisephone II is currently priced at $399 or $533 CDN, plus shipping. Use the ‘Vokeme‘ coupon code to get $75 off.

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This may seem steep for a phone with limited features compared to a traditional smartphone, but it’s important to consider its value proposition:

Minimalist Design and Focus: Wisephone is designed for people who want a simpler, distraction-free phone experience.

Unique Software: WiseOS software is designed specifically for Wisephone, providing a clean and user-friendly interface.

Potential cost savings: Although the initial purchase price is high, you don’t pay for additional app subscriptions or in-app purchases common with traditional smartphones.

You’ll also need to purchase a micro SIM card and a mobile plan to use your phone’s messaging and mapping features.

To decide whether Wisephone is the right choice for you, you must weigh the benefits of a minimalist phone against its higher initial cost.

Where can I purchase Wise Phone 2?

Wisephone 2 can be purchased directly from Techless. They offer pre-orders on their official website. The phone is designed to work only with Techless carrier plans, which include unlimited calling and texting options and a variety of data packages to suit different needs.

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